First DEMO for M&E

After an intense week of designing, coding and then rushing to fixing the demo is out. This will be the first chapter and the first public part of my upcoming game Marlowe & Edmonson. I want to encourage you not only to try it but to give any feedback you might have as it would be really appreciated. Next developments will be posted in my instagram page @la_rosa_de_foc as they happen. Thanks for reading and hope you find my grain of sand interesting.

Després d'una setmana dissenyant a tota metxa ja és aqui la primera demo del joc en que estic treballant, Marlowe & Edmonson. Us animo a provar-la i si us ve de gust deixar que us ha semblat i si teniu crítiques constructives són més que benvingudes. Aniré anunciant canvis i progressos al meu instagram @la_rosa_de_foc a mesura que vagin sortint. Gràcies pe llegirme i espero que us agradi.


Marlowe & Edmonson Qatif.html Play in browser
Apr 26, 2024

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